
Welcome back, Gentle Reader(s), to yet another installment of Matador Playlist coming straight to you via the good graces of Ye Olde Matador Bar & Lounge. Be forewarned as this shall be the last iteration of the playlist for a few weeks, as Your Humble Narrator will be taking off for Ink South in a few days. Come February I’m about ready for a bit of a break from Santa Fe winter, which has been has been distressingly devoid of snow while still managing to be cold as a sumbeyotch—up until this week at least, which has been bizarrely printemps-ish as regards matters meteorological. It’s all rather disconcerting, but what with the Orange Goblin going progressively apeshit crazy on a daily basis, I can’t say I’m surprised. As Miss Exene Cervenka observes in song #4 in this week’s playlist, ‘The World’s A Mess, It’s In My Kiss.’ Pucker up, Gentle Reader(s).