Alright, Gentle Reader(s)—full disclosure right up front: This is only a partial playlist for Ye Olde Matador Bar & Lounge. I descended the steps at the usual time this Thursday past, loaded for bear, in full anticipation of putting in an evening’s duty tending to the Euterpian/Terpsichorian/Callopian well being of the patrons of everyone’s favorite subterranean watering hole. My anticipation was tempered, however, by the knowledge that I had a 10 AM appointment of some import scheduled for Friday morning. A full night at the Mat usually means that Your Humble Narrator is rolling into bed sometime around 3:00 AM, which is not entirely optimal for 10 AM appointments of some import. I therefore resolved that, should things turn out to be on the slow side, I would consider letting discretion be the better part of valor and bail out at midnight.