Matador Playlist 4/12/18
Where do I begin? I have no idea where to begin, how to begin, what to begin... So I'll just begin.
I am returned, Gentle Reader(s), to the virtual pages of this site after an unprecedented absence of, what... six months? Hard to believe but true nonetheless. Affairs of the heart, mind, body and soul have taken the fore and my muse has been elusive, if not entirely absent as of lately late. On top of that, a fairly epic slump at Ye Olde Matador Lounge resulted in numerous abbreviated evenings and uninspired playlists that didn't seem worthy of the effort of publication and the resultant temporal demands upon yourself and Your Humble Narrator alike. Should forgiveness be required for these lapses, I beg that of you and, for what it's worth, hereby resolve to do better in future. But don't hold your breath.